Confirm your listing, renew, and repost Once you publish B2C Telemarketing List your listing, check to make sure it went live about 15 minutes later. In a few major cities, Craigslist classified posts expire after 7 days, but most cities expire after 45 days. It's critical B2C Telemarketing List to renew your post every 48 hours which will move it back up to the top of the search list. You can renew it as many times as you like until your post is 30 days old. After that time, you B2C Telemarketing List can repost your listing and start the process over again. This is where an account comes in handy so you don't have to go digging through emails to find a link from a month ago.
Step 7: Avoid phishing and fraud While Craigslist B2C Telemarketing List might seem like an easy target for a phishing or fraud scam, there are many ways to protect yourself and still reap the benefits of increased inquiries and bookings from the free B2C Telemarketing List classified site. Phishing occurs when someone attempts to learn your login credentials in order to pose as B2C Telemarketing List you and learn confidential information about you and your renters, especially bank and payment details. The easiest way to avoid phishing is to not click on any link that asks you to log into your Craigslist account.
Always log into your account by visiting Craigslist B2C Telemarketing List directly. Many scams involve inquiries from users very far away, often in another country, or ask for wire transfers, cashier's checks, or money orders as forms of payment. You can avoid B2C Telemarketing List would-be scammers by following a couple of common-sense rules: Never B2C Telemarketing List give out financial information like your bank account number or eBay/PayPal info Never wire funds via Moneygram or other wire service Do not accept cashier's checks or bank orders - banks will cash them and then hold you responsible when the fake is discovered weeks later.